Hands on Therapy

Bowen Technique

What is
Bowen Technique

Structural Integration

What is
Structural integration


What is

Bowen Technique

What is Bowen Technique?

Bowen technique is a gentle and safe form of bodywork suitable for all ages. Sessions last around 45 minutes and consist of a series of gentle rolling movements over the body, carried out with the practitioner’s hands. Bowen often results in a deep sense of relaxation, allowing the body to recharge and rebalance.

Bowen addresses connective tissue as well as the muscles. Fascia is the sheet of connective tissue that covers the structures of the body, allowing connection, flexibility and movement between various parts of the body. It is the fascia that is responsible for your posture and its compromises – in Bowen we pay it a lot of attention.

Trew Holistics is an award-winning practice for Bowen technique in east London and Essex. A family team, we started our Bowen practice in 2002 making us one of the longest serving Bowen practices in the region.

Structural Integration

What is Structural Integration?

Structural integration is a hands-on technique of manipulating the fascia (connective tissue) and reorganising compromises of the body’s posture and structure. Its goal is to improve postural alignment, balance, flexibility, movement and pain levels. As a result it can be excellent at helping with many long-term, painful problems like back ache, neck and shoulder pain, and posture problems. The technique can improve wellbeing and quality of life.

The sessions involve slow and sustained pressure applied by the practitioner’s hands to manipulate and realign the muscles and their connective tissue, layer by layer.

At the beginning of each session a postural and movement assessment is taken to guide the session. From this visual assessment we will identify which areas are tight, compromised or restricted. We work progressively each session in order to undo the tightness and restrictions. 


What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology uses muscle testing to identify, understand and rectify any imbalances within the body. A treatment always looks at all elements that may be affecting your health – emotions, chemical challenges (including food sensitivities), structural issues and energetic stresses. Once any imbalances are identified, a treatment plan is designed to meet your specific requirements. This may include massage and spinal integration, acupressure, reflex massage, homeopathic remedies, supplements and herbal medicines, emotional release techniques, an exercise programme, and lifestyle and dietary changes. Your treatment is tailored to you and depends entirely on the requirements of your body, determined by your body’s response to the muscle tests.